
When we are together, we are stronger.

The Last Element originates when we face the passing of one dearly loved, the hardship of a broken home or the breaking of hearts – it is the first spark, the first sense of emotion, a first feeling that evolves into a creative mind. Bringing these elements together they find a way to grow - Broken hearts fit like pieces of puzzles and these pieces mend into one big heart.

We believe there are many like us, waiting to join our hearts. Together we are stronger, together we are The Last Element.

The Last Element has reached +2 Million streams, fully DIY and this only proves they are getting the recognition and support from their listeners. With these numbers increasing daily and their latest release “My Mind” added to the "NEW BLOOD" Spotify editorial playlist within the first week of its release, The Last Element is definitely levelling with established names in the genre on the way to determine their goal in life to share their music and lyrics with a global audience.